Coronavirus (COVID-19)
We are 100% committed to supporting our customers. Particularly those involved in supporting efforts to combat Coronavirus (COVID-19) – such organisations will be prioritised in our service delivery.
We continue to offer all calibration services and will continue to do so according to government guidelines.
We actively follow latest advice from the Government to contain and limit the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Business Continuation
We are an SME employing 30 people in the UK. To ensure the continuation of our business (and minimise the impact on the UK economy) it is important for us to continue providing the services we offer, which we believe we can while minimising the risk of spreading Coronavirus (COVID-19).
If you are considering postponing your calibration visit we would ask you to consider all options to allow for the visit to safely take place.
If you feel you have no other choice than to cancel the visit we are asking our customers to pay a voluntary 40% deposit on the visit charge. Paying this deposit can make a real difference to a Company of our size and help ensure the long term future for our company and employees.
We are following government advice and believe the risk of our engineer spreading Coronavirus while onsite has been minimised.
Scope of Risk
We employ a network of field based engineers around the country who travel to customer sites to provide calibration.
Risk Mitigation
An important part of our health safety training has always been to avoid contamination risk through frequent hand washing. Following the spread of Coronavirus we have re-enforced this message with all staff. In addition they have been advised:
- Maintain social distancing requirements while on site.
- Increase the frequency of hand washing.
- Carry a supply of tissues to use when coughing or sneezing and the seek advice from customer on disposal.
- Frequently use hand sanitiser (stocks permitting).
- Immediately report back to their line manager any potential symptoms of the Coronavirus.
- Advise past or planned travel plans to infected areas.
- Follow any health & safety protocols detailed by the customer while onsite.
Chris Morris
Managing Director