How to Pack Weighing Balances for Shipping
It should be assumed that the instrument will receive some rough treatment during transit and therefore should be packed with this in mind.
Analytical Balances With Glass Doors
- If you have the manufacturers instructions follow any locking procedure.
- Remove the pan, pan support and any external power supply and pack separately so they will not be damaged nor cause damage.
- Glass doors should be taped closed with masking tape. Avoid glass to glass or metal contact by inserting foam or a cardboard pad between the surfaces.
- Place the instrument in a plastic bag and seal with sellotape.
- Place the instrument in a cardboard carton as close fitting as possible. Fill any space with bubble wrap or paper to restrict any movement and seal the carton with vinyl tape.
- Place the first carton containing the instrument in a larger carton with at least 15cm of firm packing material all around, taking into account the pan, pan support and power supply. You may use firm foam, but do not use polystyrene beads.
- Make sure the carton is sealed with strong vinyl tape and for very heavy instruments strapping is recommended. Ensure the delivery address is clearly marked on the outside.
We do not recommend shipping balances with automatic glass doors without the manufacturers carton and packing as they are prone to expensive damage. In the main, these are Sartorius ME/MC series and Mettler AT/MT/MX/AX series. Please contact our office for assistance.
Top-pan Balances
- If you have the manufacturers instructions follow any locking procedure.
- Remove the pan, pan support and any external power supply and pack separately so they will not be damaged or cause damage whilst in transit. If the balance is fitted with a removable glass draught shield the customer should retain this.
- Place the instrument in a plastic bag and seal with sellotape.
- Place the instrument in a cardboard carton as close fitting as possible. Fill any space with bubble wrap or paper to restrict any movement and seal the carton with vinyl tape.
- Place the first carton containing the instrument in a larger carton with at least 10cm (15cm for heavy instruments) of firm packing material all around, taking into account the pan, pan support and power supply. You may use firm foam, shredded paper, wood wool or bubble wrap for light instruments but do not use polystyrene beads.
- Make sure the carton is sealed with strong vinyl tape and for very heavy instruments strapping is recommended. Ensure the delivery address is clearly marked on the outside.
The above information is provided for guidance only. This guidance is provided to the customer on the understanding that European Instruments cannot accept any liability for damage caused in transit
We have two packs available for both Analytical and Top Pan balances. These consist of an inner carton, outer carton and foam corner inserts to suspend the inner carton. These cartons should be used whenever possible and are also available to customers upon request, at a nominal cost.